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Christopher Green
'Professional Salad Vol. 1'

Documentation of projects, studio ephemera, paintings, photographs, files from
'the portable studio’, texts, drawings, spanning 2006 - 2018. Somewhere between
an artists' book and a monograph - the first instalment of a working biography.
Design: Christopher Green.

26.5 x 21 cm
212 pages
Self published, 2018

£30 + P&P

(Prices inc P&P: UK £35, Europe £42, Rest of world £46)

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Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

Christopher Green - Professional Salad Vol.1

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